Case Study

Berkshire HorseWorks

Berkshire HorseWorks is a 501c3 whose mission utilizes the transformative power of horses to facilitate growth and healing in the community. Their model relies heavily on donations, as well as recreational offerings, to care for their herd and offer low- or no-cost programs to those in need.

Their website was out of date and entirely hard coded so regular maintenance was impossible, and the services were difficult to understand. Information had been added over time as the business evolved, but old content had never been scrubbed. It was nearly impossible for visitors to identify what the business does, and what product is right for them. Donation links were hard to find, and it wasn’t clear how to sign up for activities.

Without any site analytics, the audit consisted of a deep dive into the business’ goals as a not-for-profit, the services that were most popular, and the biggest pain points this small organization experienced on a daily basis. The site was rebuilt from the ground up in GoDaddy, including a full revision of the Mission & Vision as well as recommendations for simplifying the programs offered. Donation or Contact functionality were added to every page, giving guests a clearer point of engagement with the business.

Services: Business strategy, site audit, IA, UX&UI, re-platforming, full site redesign, copywriting, operational support.





